It's the time of year when we all have traditions we like to celebrate. One of my favorite traditions at Arcadia Knitting is the telling of the holiday stories. We have been with you all as you have worked so hard on all the fabulous gifts for all your loved ones. And we love to hear how they reacted. Were they speechless? Were they overjoyed? Or, something else entirely.
For instance, some one worked very hard on a Christmas stocking for her brother-in-law. There were multiple consultations on the color of the reindeer. The stocking was finished in plenty of time for the holidays. She was full of anticipation when she got the her parents' house to see how her brother-in-law liked the stocking. But he wasn't there. Neither was her sister. Her sister was in Bermuda without her husband, intended recipient of the stocking, because she was divorcing him. So, how long had her sister let her work on the stocking knowing there was no need for it?
Come in after the holidays and tell us a story. If it's good, you'll get a a treat.